Reservation requests should be made through OpenTable, but if you do have any questions or difficulties, you can always reach us at [email protected] (but please remember to check your spam folder for our response. Unfortunately we sometimes end up there!

When booking on OpenTable, let us help you select the dining experience you are looking for!

If you would like to book an evening with us in our upstairs dining room, please select "Dining Room" table. If your preference is to join us downstairs in our 70s living room please select "Living Room".  Last but certainly not least, if you would like to sit in our bar, please select "The Glorious Bar". 

If you have a favourite spot, please don't hesitate to let us know in the “note” section and we will always do our best to accommodate your request. 

Currently open 7 days a week, 5pm-late. 


Monday 5 - 11pm
Tuesday 5 - 11pm
Wednesday 5 - 11pm
Thursday 5 - 11pm
Friday 5pm - 12 am
Saturday 5pm - 12 am
Sunday 5 - 11pm

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